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LitSat-1: Mission Accomplished

Last week the first Lithuanian satellite LitSat-1 broadcasted the words ‘Lithuania loves freedom’ for the last time and turned into a shooting star.

21 May at 8.15.15 am the LitSat-1 signal was recorded for the last time. Since the first active contact with the satellite in February, LitSat-1 spent 1 962 hours 30 minutes in space, almost 82 days in total. During that time it circled round the Earth 1,303 times and broadcasted the message of the Lithuanian nation ‘Lithuania loves freedom’ for 1.3 million times.

The satellite created at Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) has accomplished its mission 100 percent; the next big step in Lithuanian cosmic journey will be piezoreaction equipment testing in space in 2015.

KTU researchers and engineers are already testing a new type of stabilising system for cube satellites which uses piezoelectric gears. Before adapting it to space conditions the system is being tested on land; the data collected during the LitSat-1 mission will be of upmost importance while creating the control equipment.

Vidmantas Tomkus, head of Lithuanian Space Association (LSA) is convinced that educational mission of the project is as important as technical experience.

‘This mission gave us the opportunity to travel around Lithuania and to show a real space object to our schoolchildren and students. We have evidence that the project has inspired young people, especially pupils, to get more interested in engineering, technological and natural sciences’, said Tomkus.

According to the head of LSA, the project served as a landing platform for cosmic ideas. Everybody – from business and government to society – gained confidence that Lithuanians are capable of designing, developing and constructing complex space technology devices.

  • The LitSat-1 developers’ team visited 15 Lithuanian cities and towns and organised 19 satellite promotional events during the duration of the project.
  • Bank Swedbank organised the promotional competition and granted the possibility for its customers to win a journey to NASA Space Station in the USA. The electronics network Euronics advertised the satellite in its stores across the country.
  • The satellite was exhibited in all main national science and technology shows and in the most important governmental institutions, such as the Presidential Office and the Parliament.
  • The patron of the mission was the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė.
  • The project news were reported by such celebrities as Marijonas Mikutavičius, Andrius Mamontovas, Gražina Sviderskytė, Jurga Šeduikytė, Žalgiris basketball club etc.
  • The project was promoted in a series of 32 science and entertainment programmes on TV3 television.
  • More than 25 million of people watched the live broadcast of launching of the spaceship from NASA platform in the USA on TV3 Play. The start of the satellite was also broadcasted by TV3 and
  • The mission was carried out by Kaunas University of Technology in collaboration with Lithuanian Space Association and Lithuanian Space Science and Technology Institute.



Web-page got automatically uptading

After long work web-page got automatically updating! Whole system consists of: automatic satellite tracking, data decoding, data accumulation and data transferring to the litsat-1 web-site parts! Whole chain is finally working!
We hope that soon we will be able to present some nice charts and show what a cool thing is to rotate in space! 🙂

Ground station

LitSat-1 in Space is Following Commands of KTU Team

Lithuania already has the first satellite in space controlled from the Earth. Yesterday at 15:30:26 the satellite radio station of Kaunas University of Technology (KTU) established a two-way connection with LitSat-1 for the first time (the satellite was launched into space last Friday). Obeying the command sent from the Earth the satellite’s GPS receiver was switched on.

‘Controlling the satellite from the Earth was one of the most difficult tasks in this mission. We can honestly say that we succeeded to complete more than half of the mission’, says Prof Darius Gailius of KTU.

Vidmantas Tomkus, the head of Lithuanian Space Association is convinced that the successful satellite GPS receiver experiment will interest cube satellite manufacturers all over the world as there is strong need to commercialise CubeSat technologies.

‘As far as we are aware, satellite navigation system experiments on cube satellites were conducted only a few times, and not all of them were successful. When a satellite is moving in space at 8 km/s speed it is not an easy task to determine its location by GPS’, says Tomkus.

The GPS receivers for usage in space cost around 50 000 LTL; only professional satellite manufacturers can afford them.

‘Cube satellite technology aims to make satellite launching cheaper so as space ventures were affordable for wider range of companies, including universities and private organisations. The cube satellites could be used for exact monitoring of earth, for wireless connection. GPS receivers could be used to help correct the trajectory of a satellite when they are moving in a group’, says Tomkus.

The GPS receiver of LitSat-1 sends information about the height of the satellite’s trajectory and about its speed. These parameters allow KTU researchers to research the flight, to determine the position of the satellite with respect to the Earth, and to prepare themselves to the next missions in space. The most recent updates on the technical data of the mission can be found on

The team of LitSat-1 creators has one more important task ahead of them. Soon the linear transponder of the satellite which will broadcast three words of Lithuanian nation – Lietuva myli laisvę (Lithuania loves freedom) – into space will be tested.

The words are expected to be broadcasted from the space before 11 March, the Day of Re-Establishment of the State of Lithuania.

Litsat-1 signal is caught

Friday 28 February at 12.25 pm three words: Lithuania Loves Freedom were broadcasted from the satellite LitSat-1 created at KTU.

Brazil was first to record Lithuanian words from space – the information on the signal was sent to KTU by amateur Brazilian broadcaster Roland. He, and two other radio amateurs who have registered signals from LitSat-1 first will be awarded a special QSL card from the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė expressing the gratitude of our nation. Lithuania has officially stepped into space.

The list of the radio amateurs, who caught our words “Lietuva Myli Laisve” – “Lithuania Loves Liberty”:

  1. Roland Zuremely PY4ZBZ (Brazil)
  2. Mike Rupprecht DK3WN (Germany)
  3. Tonis Eenmae ES5TO (Estonia)  ESTCUBE radio station

Because of the great amount of happiness and great amount of data and very happy day, we will post more details a little bit later. But everyone are very welcome to share received data and send it to  If we do not answer you immediately that means we are excited by your data!

Finally we also join the “Space Club”.


We Launch

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